February 2nd, 2023
Access and use of Mashitsky.com (the “site”) constitutes acceptance of these Terms of Service (TOS). Any individual or entity accessing this site (“user(s)”) herby indemnify and holds harmless any and all operators, 3rd party partners and/or service providers who host, create content or distribute/advertise on behalf of this site. Users recognize that this site is a parody site and for entertainment purposes only.
In addition, use of this site by Alex Mashinsky, Krissy Mashinsky or any agent or source acting for or on their behalf (“scammers”) constitutes acceptance of the following terms:
- Return of any and all funds gained via salary, equity or any other investment/trade during involvement of Celsius Network LLC
- A public apology whereby you refer to yourself as, “a silly little bitch” no less than 5 times
- After serving any such prison time in the United States scammers will request to serve at the front line in Ukraine
- Scammers agree to never start another business of any sort and work in fast food only for the rest of their lives
These Terms of Service may be updated or amended at any time. Mashitsky.com retains all rights, trademarks and copyrights.